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A member registered Sep 01, 2022

Recent community posts

Hello! I got one! Thank you so much!

I couldn't find anyone to play with, so I created my own little adventure.

The best part is the spatial/temporal anomalies that can inflict your character during travel, that make you try to turn a disadvantage to an advantage.

I think a list of more of these space afflictions would be great. Like Morg Borg, you can roll to see what kind of body/mind calamity you developed, and also like Mork Borg, try to survive the adventure with these disabilities!

Thank you so much again for this wonderful game, and I will enjoy adding it's elements to my SF campaign as extra solar travel commences.

Hello! This game looks absolutely amazing! Your Dungeon game looked fascinating, but this is mind blowing as I love games with animal characters!

I would love to buy those two beautiful hardbacks, but I can't even afford the pdf.

If you add any more community copies in the future, please let me know, I would love to play this!

Thank you!

Same boat. Been doing the same for Wanderhome. If you update again with community copies, please let me know as both games sound amazing!

Thank you!

I'm sorry. You are absolutely right!

A socialist utopia would not charge for this, nor would it make others pay for my free copy.

A socialist utopia, like Star Trek, would have replicators that would provide for everyone's basic needs, so that art like this would not be inaccessible behind a paywall, because you require compensation for your efforts.

So I have to come here everyday, fingers crossed, looking for a community copy.

I'm disabled, so I have to e-beg. At least there's the promise a copy might show up here.

Another guy said 5 copies for a review, 5 copies for a post on social media. I did both, and there are still no community copies added.

Hello! I left a rating on the game, in hopes that 5 community copies would get added, so I can obtain one, as I don't have money because I'm recently disabled.

This game is absolutely fascinating, for all the reasons I stated in the review, and I would love to play it!

Thank you for creating such an intriguing game! I hope I get to read and play it.

One of the more interesting entries in the jam! Can't wait to play it!